config.php rename key/secret vars remove DROPBOX constant, replace with direct() add token support to $accounts correspondances.php change to class add correspondances_pos.json add wln duplicates support (PERSO) add duplicates support between sources (2 novels with same name exists really, possibly on 2 different sources or on the same, not just in the wln database) dropbox.php recode to pos&cor dropbox2.php recode to pos&cor add upload add exists add folder management sort files in zip torrentzip (reproducible) improve unicode normalization review name_simplify & name_compare news.php check neg chp to last (&cur?) improve filename check (all names) (correspondances_pos.json) change to class restyle from solution1 to solution2 (easy) add subname add color (names, chapters, subname, pos) add skipping lines & lists options position.php add save/load from files into the class retr.php add wn history&collection add rr favorite, read later, history royalroad.php add search add add (to) add favorite, read later, history add update improve error management of the json part refactor get/set into separate class/file ? separate get/set for access to options (and separate by file_get/put_contents vs curl) verify list of methods make class? update_lists.php recode to pos&cor speed improvement webnovel.php add/check history & collection sort history & collection improve support of empty (no chapters) novels webnovel_news.php improve support of chapters (or absence of it) wlnupdates.php checklogin? @@@ royalroad, webnovel, wlnupdates add iterator or generators? normalize methods add methods for access to replaced attributes/keys add class for individual novel? correspondances, dropbox, news, royalroad, webnovel, wlnupdates add hotfixes (manual jsons, like empty novels, names, subname, conflicts in names, diff in chapters, etc...) improve duplicates / conflicts support add diff between sources (added/removed chapters) * move settings to config.php @@@ lists: add everything to wln add stuff from wln to others