Backup LN reading states, sync to/from e-reader
edit config.php
add the user/pass of the website sources
modify the local folder of cloud sources, including path, for syncing (might be replaced with user/pass or token)
Allows you to open your ebooks at the first unread chapter (when filenames contains chapters range), while syncing the list of books and positions between websites/softwares, and keeping a local copy of the data.
italic is ToBeDone, some might require an additional app
bold is refused feature
Features :
Retrieve list of books from library (website)
Retrieve list of books from other library : collections, favorites, history, read later, etc… (website)
Search book (website)
Add books to library (website)
Get information about book (website)
Get list of chapters from book (website)
Gets and sets reading position (website, software, cloud)
Updates information about a book from the other sources (website)
Keep track of conflicting information from different sources (website)
Check correspondances and add them automatically on other sources (website)
Retrieve chapter from sources (website)
Gamification or social interactions (includes voting & rating) from sources (website)
Supported cloud hosting :
Google Drive
WebDAV and other synchronisations (might include nextcloud/owncloud/seafile/syncthing)
Supported websites :
Supported softwares :
Calibre Viewer
Cool Reader
eReader Prestigio
Foxit Reader
Neat Reader
STDU Viewer
config.php settings of the application
footer.php HTML footer of the pages helper functions
header.php HTML header of the pages
royalroad.php class to support automatic table generator
webnovel.php class to support
wlnupdates.php class to support
CJSON.php from yii framework v1.X, helper to lazy parse json (including badly formatted one, or js object instead of json). v2.X is strict and just a wrapper over native PHP json_decode.
clean_files.php removes unneeded positions from the novels in the ebook reader (was/still is part of dropbox*.php)
correspondances.php List correspondances between royalroad, webnovel and wlnupdates
dropbox.php List new position sync and update wlnupdates and webnovel
dropbox2.php List new novels and add them to wlnupdates and webnovel Gets all the positions from cloud source
list_add_to_main.php Add to the library the novels from other library (collections, favorites, history, read later, etc…)
news.php and news2.php list novels with new chapters (depends on retr, position and correspondances)
position.php List positions from the novels in the ebook reader
retr.php retrieve wlnupdates data (& possibly others in the future)
update_list.php move qidian’s novels into QIDIAN or QIDIAN original list on wlnupdates, update details on wlnupdates from data of webnovel
webnovel_data.php List data (counts) from webnovel
webnovel_news.php List novels from webnovel with new chapters (depends on retr)
.cookies.txt cookies for the HTTP requests (internal files)
*/*.json, */*.htm result of HTTP requests (cache for debug)
royalroad/_books.json library data of the order from royalroad
royalroad/_order.json library data from royalroad
webnovel/_books.json library data from webnovel (merged, reordered)
webnovel/_books2.json library data from webnovel (merged, order kept)
webnovel/_order.json library data of the order from webnovel
webnovel/_history.json history data from webnovel
webnovel/_collection.json collection (reading lists) data from webnovel
webnovel/_subname.json map data of novel to subname
webnovel/_subnames.json map data of subname to novel(s)
wlnupdates/_books.json library json data from wlnupdates
wlnupdates/_order.json library json data of the order from wlnupdates
wlnupdates/_list.json library json data of the list the novel is from on wlnupdates
royalroad.htm raw table of royalroad data
wlnupdates.htm raw table of wlnupdates data
webnovel.htm raw table of webnovel data (sorted)
webnovel2.htm raw table of webnovel data (identical to website, sorted by last add/update)
webnovel_data.htm table of webnovel data counts (include lists, history*2, collection list, all collections)
news.htm table of novels with positions and new updates
correspondances.json data of correspondances between royalroad, webnovel and wlnupdates (= novel id)
correspondances_rr.json data of the correspondance from royalroad to webnovel and wlnupdates
correspondances_wln.json data of the correspondance from wlnupdates to royalroad and webnovel
correspondances_wn.json data of the correspondance from webnovel to royalroad and wlnupdates
names.json data of the correspondance from the name to royalroad, wlnupdates and webnovel
pos.json data of the (last) position of each novel
pos_dev1.json data of the (last) position of each novel that I was the last to update
pos_dev9.json data of the (last) position of each novel that the software was the last to update
pos_old.json data of the (previous) position of each novel, to be deleted/remplaced on next update
pos_others.json data of the position from unrecognized novels
wn_diff.json data of number of privilege chapters for watched series (= the difference between webnovel reading position and wlnupdates reading position)
filters.json filters to skip lines and colorize news.php output
todo.txt small personnal TODO-list about this project